Facility Accreditation

Bednar Cosmetic Surgery has demonstrated its commitment to patient safety by gaining accreditation from the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF), recognized nationally as the “Gold Standard” in accreditation.

To earn its accreditation, plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Bednar and Bednar Cosmetic Surgery, like every AAAASF accredited ambulatory surgery facility, must meet stringent national standards for general environment, general safety, blood and medication, medical records, quality assessment/improvement, personnel, operating room, recovery room, and anesthesia. The end result is that the accredited facility makes a commitment toward maintaining safety and quality in the ambulatory surgery facility. As the leading accrediting organization for ambulatory facilities, AAAASF has developed the systems to effectively monitor and implement the latest advances in outpatient care delivery that directly benefit patients.

Bednar Cosmetic Surgery is one of the few cosmetic surgery facilities in Charlotte, NC that has demonstrated they have met the highest standards in patient care and safety. Meeting the “Gold Standard” requirements elevates the patient safety awareness of every member of the staff and improves the quality of care. It is critical to Dr. Bednar that every patient receive only the highest standard of patient care and safety.


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